Golem 1.0 Hackathon 3rd Place Winner: Seeta Ramayya

Golem 1.0 Hackathon 2nd Place Winner: Glenn Lewis

We're excited to announce the release of Golem 1.1, a major update to our open-source durable computing platform. This release introduces groundbreaking features that make Golem more flexible, developer-friendly, and production-ready than ever before.
The headline feature of Golem 1.1 is the introduction of ephemeral workers, making Golem the first unified computing platform with software-defined reliability. This allows developers to choose the right level of durability for each component of their application:
This flexibility enables more cost-effective deployments while preserving reliability where it matters most.
We've made significant improvements to the developer experience:
The new application manifest system streamlines worker-to-worker communication with declarative dependencies and improved type handling. This eliminates common pain points around circular dependencies and type duplication.
The console interface has been completely revamped with a GitHub-inspired design that reduces navigation complexity from four levels to two, making it more intuitive to manage your applications.
RIB, our API scripting language, now supports list comprehensions and aggregations, enabling more expressive data transformations. We've also made substantial robustness improvements to the compiler and type system.
Golem now ships as a single executable that runs the entire stack, dramatically simplifying the developer experience for local testing and development.
The new plugin system enables easy extension of Golem's capabilities through:
We will be launching much more content around plugins as the feature matures.
Built-in end-user authentication support for major identity providers including Google, GitHub, Microsoft, and others, with seamless integration into RIB scripts.
New oplog search and enumeration capabilities make it easier to understand and debug your applications, with built-in support for streaming large logs.
The worker gateway now includes built-in CORS support and improved authentication handling, making it easier to build production applications.
To get started with Golem 1.1, download the new single executable for your platform and check out our documentation for detailed guides and examples.
We're excited to see what you'll build with these new capabilities. Your feedback and contributions continue to shape Golem's development - please share your experiences and suggestions with our community.
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