Golem Cloud Hackathon

September 29, 2023
June 22, 2023

Explore Golem Cloud and learn WebAssembly! Calling all Rust, Go, C/C++, and Python developers to join us at the Golem Cloud Hackathon. Your mission? Design a unique Golem App and seize the opportunity to win amazing rewards, including a MacBook Pro for the top app. This Hackathon is a continuation of the momentum from WasmCon by the Linux Foundation. It’s the perfect platform to both craft a novel application on Golem and deepen your understanding of WebAssembly (Wasm). Join us, and let’s innovate together!

Why Participate?

  • Hackathon Experience: Share your insights, boost your skills, and connect with both: the Golem Development Team and the Community.
  • Build Your First Golem App: Familiarize yourself with Golem Cloud, your new superpower in durable computing.
  • Win Fantastic Prizes: Get rewarded for your innovative ideas and hard work! 


Friday: Introductory session to guide your creative process.

Saturday: Full build day - bring your Golem app ideas to life!

Sunday: Judging and winner announcement, followed by a recap of the event's highlights.

Golem Hackathon Judging Criteria

  • Value Proposition: Does the solution address a genuine problem or need in the market?
  • Innovation: Is the approach or solution novel, or does it tackle a known issue in a unique way?
  • Intuitiveness: Is the application easy to use and understand without much guidance?
  • Scalability: Can the solution handle an increase in users or data without compromising performance?
  • Integration with Golem: Does the project effectively use Golem's features to enhance the resilience of cloud applications?


1# MacBook Pro Laptop

2# Ipad

3# Bose Headset

4# Collectible Golem T-shirt

About Golem Cloud 

Golem is the world’s first serverless cloud-native platform for invincible serverless workers. It is designed to execute your programs durably and invincibly to survive complications that occur due to the nature of cloud computing such as system updates, network split, configuration changes, and more. Powered by WebAssembly (WASM), Golem offers invincible workflow and actor execution, and automatic scalability. With built-in security and vendor neutrality, Golem empowers developers to build highly scalable systems with ease and confidence. Currently fully compatible with Rust, Go, C/C++, and Python.

Read more about Golem and check the technical documentation.

Sign up Today!

Join us for an action-packed weekend, network with like-minded developers, and make your mark within the Golem ecosystem. If you've been waiting for the right moment to dive into Golem, this is it. Book your slot today for FREE!

This event is brought to you by Golem Cloud and Ziverge

Community Partner: The Linux Foundation.

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